NASA reported this week that Mars Rover Curiosity recently drove outdoor ip camera 19 meters (63 feet) toward an area outdoor ip camera called Yellowknife Bay. The drive represents the rovers fourth consecutive driving day since leaving an outcrop called Point Lake. Curiosity has now driven a total of 598 meters (0.37 miles) on outdoor ip camera  the surface of Mars.

On the way, scientists used the rovers Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument to determine a rock outcrops outdoor ip camera composition outdoor ip camera and document its layering, seen above. Also, the last sample Curiosity had been carrying with it from the Rocknest site was placed into the rovers Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument to further test its outdoor ip camera chemical composition.

The drive was cut short when the rover detected a tilt that activated software to automatically stop, as a precaution outdoor ip camera. Curiosity was not in immediate danger and is not stuck or tipped over outdoor ip camera.

The rover is traversing across terrain different from where it has driven earlier, and responding differently, said Rick Welch outdoor ip camera, mission manager at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Were making progress, though were still in the learning phase with this rover, going a little slower on this terrain than we might wish we could outdoor ip camera. read more: